Dennis was elected President of The Oil Industries Club in March 2015. The appointment is for anything between 1 and 4 years.
The Oil Industries Club (OIC) is a prestigious organisation founded in 1925 to provide managers and directors of major oil companies with an opportunity of networking and socialising outside normal business relationships.
Today the Club has 600 members drawn from all sections of the oil industry and allied companies. Members and their guests meet for lunch on a regular basis throughout the year at which a distinguished person from the fields of industry, politics, entertainment or sport is invited to speak. Additionally the club holds an annual dinner, a Sportsmans Lunch and a Christmas Lunch.
There is also thriving Golfing Society, founded in 1937, and with numbers currently around 100 members. The Golf society holds its AGM each year in the RAF Club and arranges regular society days at St Georges Hill, The Berkshire, Woking and Denham golf clubs. In addition regular matches are held between the club and other societies mainly from the energy sector.
As President of The OIC Dennis also sits on the committee of the Oil Industries Club Golf Society (OICGS). He hopes one day soon to arrange a match or society day at his own golf club; Wentworth