Dennis Woods is an entrepreneur who has built and run a number of companies primarily in the Energy Industry. He started his career selling door to door paraffin in South & West London. Selling the business 31 years later by which time it was one of the largest independent oil distribution businesses in the UK.
Following this Dennis was instrumental in establishing a number of other businesses running commercial repair workshops, IT and marketing companies, security businesses and was also CEO of an Aim listed energy company. He jointly with his Wife Suzan owned and operated a Parachute Club in Hampshire training over 2,000 first time jumpers each year and taking many on to become accomplished skydivers some who still jump today in their 60’s & 70’s.
At the start of his business career he was a member of the Airborne Forces joining a TA unit; 562 Para Sqn RCT (V) where he learnt to jump from aircraft as a Paratrooper and went on to train as a Skydiver eventually becoming a Parachute Instructor and Tandem Master.
Dennis is an accomplished speaker and enjoys giving presentations and after dinner speeches. He has three presentations on his Polar activities showing film and pictures as he talks of his experiences trekking to both the South and North Poles…
In addition to his consultancy Dennis has and still does hold a number of Non Exec Director positions in addition to being the director of a number of his family businesses…
Since selling the GNE Group Dennis has concentrated on Consultancy and non-exec roles. He has worked on a number of consultancy projects with some good results…
Charity Work
Charity is a major part of being a member of any livery company and The Fuellers are no exception. Dennis has worked with The Fuellers Charitable Trust to increase the contribution to Platanos College an inner city school based in South London where the Fuellers have set up Army Cadet, Scouts, Guides and St Johns Ambulance units…
City of london
Apart from running a company listed on the London Stock Exchange and all the City of London activity surrounding that role Dennis has been a member of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers for many years ultimately becoming Master in 2013. The Worshipful Company of Fuellers is one of 110 City of London Livery companies each one representing a different trade or industry sector…
Oil industries club
Dennis was elected President of The Oil Industries Club in March 2015. The appointment is for anything between 1 and 4 years.The Oil Industries Club (OIC) is a prestigious organisation founded in 1925 to provide managers and directors of major oil companies with an opportunity of networking and socialising outside normal business relationships…