Twas the night before Christmas….

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the tent, Not a creature was stirring, they were wiped out from the ascent. Their socks and gloves hung from the tent line with care, In the hopes that they’d soon be dry from the cold Antarctic air. Each team member was nestled all snug in their … Continue reading Twas the night before Christmas….

if this expedition were a movie….

Today when we spoke with the team I asked Lisa, “Tell me something interesting about your day,” and she said, “well…we skied, we looked at mountains in the distance, it was sunny and a very gentle wind…” Sound familiar? It seems that this description is a reoccurring theme in the expedition! The team feels very … Continue reading if this expedition were a movie….

Summer Solstice…

Today marks the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. That’s the longest day of the year, the day that the sun reaches at its maximum southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. Of course the team is experiencing 24 hour sunlight, so this day is probably more significant to those of us in the northern hemisphere as … Continue reading Summer Solstice…

Happy Birthday Bryony…

Today the team reports a relaxing layover day with wind buffeting the tent, and a birthday celebration to commemorate BB”s 21st birthday (on December 21 – her “golden” birthday!) BB was very happy to receive all the messages from home, and Lisa and Oskar”s tent was converted into a mini party hall complete with balloons! … Continue reading Happy Birthday Bryony…

50,000 steps per day….

Today the team reports a partial rest day with the decision to camp early after 17.4 kilometers and seven hours of skiing. They had overcast skies and warm temperatures around -12 F. Bob, in his detailed audio report, talks about the routine of skiing each day. He tells how they break their day into four … Continue reading 50,000 steps per day….